Avoid funny images – according to LinkedIn data, profiles with photos get 21x more views and 36x more posts. 2. Write a catchy headline . Learn how to optimize your LinkedIn title: tailor it to your audience, include your value proposition, job title email list use your prospect's language, and avoid hyperbole. 3. Write a short, sweet, yet powerful biography . job title email list According to Hootsuite, keep these four things in mind: include what you're passionate about, what brought you to the company,
what you do in your current role, and what your company does. 4. Post original content to your profile. To take full advantage of the recency job title email list heuristic and the halo effect described by Fisher, regularly update your profile with interesting and original content. If you don't know what to write, think about the questions your prospects ask you most often. Write your answers in a helpful, non-commercial way to establish your authority in your field. 5. job title email list Share content from your groups and connections . If you're short on time (or aren't a confident writer), you can achieve many of the same effects by sharing content from groups you participate in or people you're connected with.
Sharing the content of prospects you're trying to connect with has the added benefit of turning a cold contact into a warmer job title email list prospect. 6. Disable LinkedIn's setting that allows you to view other people's profiles anonymously. This way, your name will appear on prospects' profiles before you cold-contact them. 7.Request endorsements, job title email list but with care. Approvals are clearly valuable, but don't spam all of your connections with requests. Instead, wait until you've built relationships and established your worth before asking. If your requests don't go through, many LinkedIn users find that you have to give approvals to get them.