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Blender Advance+

(8 Lessons)

課程內容 Outline

實體班/ 線上班 同步進行 Physical/ Online available 1. Blender advanced Modeling I(畫車的模型,附上VIDEO大家) 2. Blender advanced Modeling II(畫動物貓及狗,附上全套我教的動物的畫法) 3. Blender advanced Modeling III(畫CAT WALKING SHOW,及公仔做衣服及同步郁動) 4. Blender advanced Modeling IV(建築及室內設計系列,同google map同步build up modeling,及室內設計rendering,及渲染效果及geometry node等等) 5. Blender advanced rigging (怎樣加骨架及做moving, 連同unreal一齊做) 6. Blender advanced VFX Green screen and moving(拍片及剪片同步) 7. Blender advanced VFX with After Effect Moving Tracking(同after effect同步拍片) 8. Blender advanced embed in Unreal Engine and Geometry Node(導入unreal同步VFX effect) 課堂特色: +PhysicalClass線下真人班- 真人課堂即時解答學習困難。 +Online Zoom線上同步進行- 即使未能親身到課室都可以一齊上堂。 +課堂錄影分享- 無論線上或線下的同學都可以重溫學習內容。 課程適合對象: 已修畢本會Blender Beginner及Advance課程, 對Blender的基本操作及3D 建模已有一定認識, , 想學習更多動畫及VFX技巧, 想做更專業的Presentation。 Students who have completed our Blender Beginner and Advance courses and have a certain understanding of the basic operations of Blender and 3D modeling, who would like to learn more animation and VFX skills and create professional presentations.

課堂日子 Date

1,300 港元

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